Star Child Podcast

Chiron's Wisdom: Discovering the Gifts Within the Wound

Episode 6

This episode almost didn't exist.

My brother saved it.

Literally. This wouldn't have existed without his help.

Read the full story here...

That being said, I am so happy to present to you this gorgeous episode that almost didn't exist:

The gifts and wounds you carry are two sides of the same coin.

Join me as I talk about Chiron, its impacts and insights, and what we can learn from this beautiful placement within our astrology chart.

Chiron is the planetary body that represents your deepest wounds in this lifetime and provides a great deal of insight into your healing focus and soul's gifts.

As you heal, the very things you have struggled with become your strengths that empower others to move through their own experiences.

Not only is healing possible, it is the vehicle through which you uncover your life purpose and find the gifts you are meant to share with the world.

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